Barter and redemption
Why choose Overdrive?
Our experts will make a fair assessment based on the market and condition of your car. The whole process is fast and efficient. You get your money right away.
Buying cars
Redemption process
Redemption process
Submitting an online inquiry accompanied by a few photos and general information about the car. This information can be sent via e-mail, viber, whatsApp. Once you have received our initial assessment, the vehicle must visit our service center for a full inspection. With both parties agreeing, a deal is made and OVERDRIVE buys the vehicle.
Where will the meeting, consultation and car purchase transaction take place?
Will I get useful advice before making a specific car choice?
The company has highly qualified personnel with many years of experience in the field of import and sale of motor vehicles, all employees of the company responsible for the import of cars and motorcycles have at least ten years of experience in the field. This helps them to carry out free consultations and full assistance in choosing the right car or motorcycle.
Can I purchase a car on lease?
Our colleagues from the sales department will help you with the most suitable choice of financing, as well as with the choice of payment method - number, lease or credit, and the company's customers receive preferential terms under the lease contracts provided to them or bank loans, pre-negotiated by the employees of OVERDRIVE.